Lou, It is possible - if you have the 'luck of the Irish' and spend a great deal of time in vintage glass stores. The crackle glass was part of the original design. This was made decades ago and the marks are the signature of Don Shepperd ( check out Blenko Collector Four, or Blenko Project for information on Blenko Designers). HJH
Is it sheperd sheppard or sheperd?
Will someone tell me why you are talking bout Trippe Glass? Only two members of Trippe family work at Blenko.
Many other families have 2 or 3 members.
Husband wife children and grandchildren
why pick on tripp?
I also love Blenko!
No one is picking on anyone.
Stating the obvious. Blenko is undergoing a major change with the new management.
I own a blue crackle
and will sell for $210
it has a silver label.
Yes, you are picking on people. Katie Trippe has worked very hard to strengthen Blenko. She loves the company and cares very much for all the employees. To say anything different means you are ignorant. If you don't know the facts, please just keep your hateful posts to yourself.
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