
Heart of Glass - Blenko Glass

Blenko Glass is a West Virginia treasure that spans generations. Nothing symbolizes the state of West Virginia better or more beautifully than Blenko Glass. We will discuss current and former craftsmen and designers and how important it is that Blenko and West Virginia glass be appreciated and valued by the younger generation.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Photos for the www.blenkoproject.org Blenko Project

Shown are two examples of photos we were not able to  use  on the www.blenkoproject.org.   The Turkey -  if the plate were Blenko or there was Blenko in the background....we'd publish this photo in the http://herald-dispatchblogs04.blogspot.com Blenko Blog.    The 2nd photo contains beautiful Blenko Glass.  Nice items that many readers would be interested in seeing and learning about.   The issue is the photograph.  Please try to isolate your glass for the picture.     Believe I know how difficult glass is to photograph......I've given up trying.  
We can use most any photo of your glass in the blog,  we prefer the glass be in a non distractive setting.   Make an attempt to photo your items in small groupings or individually.   
Some time ago we ask Bruce to write about photographing glass.    We'll ask if he can prepare a 'how to '  and we'll add this to the www.blenkoproject.org  website.
Thank you for sharing your photos.   Blenko Collectors like nothing more than seeing the glass of other collectors.   Please send photos to theblenkoproject  at  aol.com.   Thank You  HJH

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