
Heart of Glass - Blenko Glass

Blenko Glass is a West Virginia treasure that spans generations. Nothing symbolizes the state of West Virginia better or more beautifully than Blenko Glass. We will discuss current and former craftsmen and designers and how important it is that Blenko and West Virginia glass be appreciated and valued by the younger generation.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Blenko Glass Water Bottle Collectors - this one is for YOU!

Experimental 384 Water Bottle - Pumpkin Opalescent

It's NOT often that a unique Water Bottle is offer -  Blenko is currently offering 3 - www.blenkoglass.com   This Pumpkin is the newest offering.
    I'm not a water bottle collector - but I hear from water bottle collectors weekly, and My Mom is a devoted collector of the various colors.

We continue to experiment with new colors here at Blenko! This fiery bright orange was an experimental color developed while making pumpkins this year. Therefore, we refer to this Water Bottle as the “Pumpkin Opalescent Water Bottle”. 8” tall, holds 36 fluid ounces.

These fun and festive water bottles are great additions to any collection and make great gifts this Fall Season.

Quantities are limited! Order while supplies last!

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