At a recent talk someone ask if I buy only things made in WVa...the answer of course is NO! But I do have Fiestaware, it was my grandma's. I use it daily as did she. It is a quality product. Fiestaware is now available emblazoned with West Virginia Mountainteer and Flying WV logo ( if I can get a sample I'll post a photo) - IF - I ever have disposable income I will own a set or two of this WVU tableware. Before I knew Fiestaware was made in WVa I loved it for the color and the fact that it didn't break easily, and I was allowed to 'wash it', (this was long ago). Fiestaware is made to be used. It has become highly collectible. The Fiesta collectors, like the Fenton, Fostoria and Blenko collectors are a very knowledgeable and helpful group. The membership fees for these glass collector groups is minimal and they provide one with invaluable information and resources. We are in the process of sending letters to the six WVa Glass Collectors Clubs (if you know of others - please send email and I'll add them) to ask for information about membership , how many members they have, how they meet, how officers are selected, what perks one gets with membership etc.- I'll post the information here. We do or have belonged to Blenko, Fenton, Fostoria, Cambridge& Imperial so I have an email address for each of these groups. If you know someone who collects, or just wants to know more about WVa. Glass consider getting a membership as a Holiday Gift. I'll try to post the information about each group before 12/14.
As an adult I try to buy products made in the USA - my car is not but that's the subject of another post.
Hillary, Don't forget the West Virginia Glass Museum in Weston. WVMUSEUMOFGLASS@AOL.COM Phone 304 269 5006. Members receive a quarterly newsletter and other perks. They have a fantastic collection of West Virginia and American art glass. Ron R. Huntington,w. Va.
Ron, I am a big fan of the
Glass Museum in Weston. On my last visit to Weston they were in the process of moving to a bigger location - it is worth the trip to Weston. Anyone with an interst in WV Glass should go.
Also on line and
WVMAG was included in the email requesting information about membership - most have this info posted on their websites. We will make it easier by posting it here.
I would like to have this information about collector groups. Please do proceed with this.
Is it expensive is a question I have for each group.
Juanita Johnson
Ashland, Ky
I collect Fiestaware. We have over 1,500 members and 57 in the group I belong to. It is a wonderful group of people I am sending you an email with a link to my home page.
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