Hank Adams - Blenko Designer 1988-1994 is known for his ability to perform magic with glass, he often uses 'found objects' (screws, bolts etc) in molds to create texture. The Hank Adams pieces we buy are the FACES. He has created many different faces for Blenko. Shown in this photo are two of six different faces currently available at the Blenko Visitors Center. In the little home Mz B (my bichon) and I share there are seven Hank Adams 'faces or heads' as they are often called. . .we started collecting in early 1990 and have a total of about fifteen. If you google Hank Adams you will find the price of his after Blenko studio pieces (often faces and heads, very elaborate pieces) to be in the 5-20K range. Hank Adams continues to grow in popularity, his Blenko designs are highly collectible and currently a real bargain in the $85-$150 range at the Visitors Center.
Many wonderful examples of Hank Adams work at Blenko are available for viewing at various Blenko sites on the web. At the www.blenkoproject.org you'll find photos of
Hank Adams after leaving Blenko - SOFA Show Chicago 2004
Hank Adams after leaving Blenko - SOFA Show Chicago 2004
Hank Adams after leaving Blenko - Seattle 2001
Please visit the Wheaton Museum where Hank is the creative director of the glass studio. The above photo provided by Dixie's Glass.
Great Photo
Jon A.
Milton, W.Va.
Jon, I also like photos - Blenko makes lovely photographs.
The blog site doesn't always co operate with my attempts to upload photos. With time I hope to improve my skill - be patient - more photos to come!
i am getting married on december 31st
after following your post for the last six weeks my girlfriend and i decided to buy blenko water bottles for our wedding party. we also bought 10 vases to use on the dinner tables in our wedding colors for the flowers
blenko was hard to find hint: for future shoppers
over the tracks not at the office.
the salesladies were very nice and we had a good time
they were not making glass when we were there
they do not make glass after 2
you should warn people of this
blake hall
Would Mr Adams consider doing faces of, say, other friends of ours - like Mz B or her pal Mordy?
Chuck S
Charleston, WV
annonymous: I am so glad you found Blenko before the wedding!
My family always thinks first of BLENKO GLASS when its time for gift giving - - beautiful one of a kind gifts that represent the beauty of our state.
Thanks for reading and responding.
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