MODERN GUY. MODERN GUY has awarded Heart of Glass with the award:
The You Make My Day Award works like this:
1) Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day2) Acknowledge the post of the award giver3) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news!
I am passing this award along to:
1) Just a Modern Guy
2) This is Not my Blog
3) Hot Topics
4) Atomic Addiction
5) Collecting Blenko
5)Hot Topics
My blog is NOT listed.
Congratulations Hillary for the award hmm you make my day :)
Thanks for the award! How cool! :-) I have already thrown it back out to my 5. Check it out.
You mentioned what blogs do we read
I am going to email a link to my favorite blog which is about Indian music.
Hope you'll check it out and post it - great blog by young couple.
Liked Jim Ross' blog - Huntington is like many other small towns - remove the name and he could be writing for my town.
I can easily see why you are attracted to his blog - diverse and passionate much like Heart of Glass.
Hey I like the Collecting Blenko blog.
Margie Hale.
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