
Heart of Glass - Blenko Glass

Blenko Glass is a West Virginia treasure that spans generations. Nothing symbolizes the state of West Virginia better or more beautifully than Blenko Glass. We will discuss current and former craftsmen and designers and how important it is that Blenko and West Virginia glass be appreciated and valued by the younger generation.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

West Virginia Glass - Fostoria

My grandparents lived in Wheeling, W.Va., so I grew up using Fostoria and visiting the Fostoria outlets with my Mom and my Grandma.

In our home we have a small collection of Fostoria and a small collection of other West Virginia Glass, and a lot of BLENKO GLASS - we seem to love the colors of BLENKO.

To me, Fostoria is eloquent glass, the colors, the designs, I always feel special when I bring out the "Fostoria" for a dinner party or for a brunch.

This Fostoria Regal Blue is very nice, Larry didn't sent information about the quanity or the price so email him if you want to add these pieces to your collection or start a collection of fine West Virginia Glass. hjh


Anonymous said...

Bring back Fostoria glass
how did they close?
Does anyone know, check the website but little info.

Dr.BOB said...

Great photos thank you Larry.

bridgett said...

This blue is so eloquent.

Anonymous said...

Texas your photos made me think to the number of glass factories that have closed since I finished Vet School. Fostoria closed while I was an undergrad.

mismgr said...

The demise of Fostoria; In 1982 Fostoria was purchased by the Lancaster Colony Glass Co. Production continued until 1986. During this time Lancaster Colony (Indiana Glass) also began importing glassware from Europe. Lancaster Colony tried several different times with several different companies (Indiana - Dalzell Viking and other small companies to produce the American and other pressed patterns with limited success. In 2008 Lancaster Colony ceased much of their glass production and auctioned off the Fostoria Moulds. Fenton was producing a few pieces before their problems.
Larry from TX
214 724 5081