
Heart of Glass - Blenko Glass

Blenko Glass is a West Virginia treasure that spans generations. Nothing symbolizes the state of West Virginia better or more beautifully than Blenko Glass. We will discuss current and former craftsmen and designers and how important it is that Blenko and West Virginia glass be appreciated and valued by the younger generation.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Your Glass Questions - Where to Donate My Glass?

This is a question we get frequently.
First I would find a local glass appraiser and ask him to spend an afternoon looking at my things. Have as much info available with each set as possible and have them available and freely accessible. Ask for a written, sign appraisal.
Then ask your children and relatives what they want, do you have friends who love particular items? If so I would consider gifting to these individuals.
After this if you have West Virginia Glass please consider the West Virginia Division of Culture and History in Charleston (they maybe limited in what they can accept), the West Virginia Museum of Glass in Weston, Huntington Museum of Glass, your local University may have interest in your glass collection, check on line to see if there is a museum for your glass company.
email theblenkoproject@aol.com about specific and I'll try to help or hook you up with people who can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary, Nitro has 3 nice antique malls with Blenko in all three, Drema Wood has a booth in one of them with some good peaces in it. Thanks Larry