Can you tell me what glass is being offered in the warehouse sale? Also when is the warehouse sale? Stephen
Stephen. I cannot tell you when the sale is, or what glass will be offered. We wrote to Blenko on 2/1 to ask for sale dates. When we receive a response I'll publish. hjh
The items pictured are in the Visitor Center gift shop as of 2/13/2012. This photo was sent by a Blog reader. Items change daily - and these may not be available when you visit.
However - Blenko Visitor Center gift shop always has a nice supply of glass. For those of you who don't like 2nds there is a table marked 1st quality and another table of signed 1st quality glass.
Note: 2nds at Blenko are most often very nice, only those with an experienced eye will be able to know the glass is not perfect. Stephen, Thank you for buying Blenko, supporting WV Glass and for reading the Heart of Glass Blog. hjh
Blue especially Blenko blue is my favorite color.
Weekly you take a photo of glass in the VC
for us.
I did view the Blenko calendar, and will send a copy to your address.
Others say the calendar isn't always followed so perhaps wait.
Why would the management spoken so highly of in the Univ of Pitt article not respond to a question about their sale?
Perhaps lack of time?
Hiring additonal staff might be needed.
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