Note: The smaller ruby with twisted stem ( 12 inches) was a gift - we aren't certain its Blenko.
Do you own unique Blenko? If so, please take photos and share with new collectors! If you want to sell your unique items - even better - we have 2 dozen new ( less than one year) collectors.
write to: with photos and descriptions. Please include your name and contact info.
November 17th is National Rural Health Day!
Our own Dr hillary is an outstanding rural health provider.
On November 17th NRH is asking that you:
◦Answer your phone on November 17 by saying “Hello … Happy National Rural Health Day”
◦Visit one of those morning news shows and hold up a sign that says “Happy National Rural Health Day!”
◦Wear a National Rural Health Day T-shirt to school or work
◦Plan a group run or some other kind of fitness activity
◦Do something “healthy” that day – eat more vegetables, bike instead of drive to work, get your blood pressure or cholesterol checked, etc.
◦Write a letter to the editor or contact a local legislator to stress the importance of addressing the health needs of rural communities
◦Thank a rural health provider for all they do!
Thank you to you Dr hillary for all you are doing.
I won't sign my name - we met in Morgantown.
Now I am a fan.
The last two are new to me.
I consider myself to be a knowledgable Blenko collector, are you certain these are Blenko?
The last two are new to me.
I consider myself to be a knowledgable Blenko collector, are you certain these are Blenko?
little red one is not blenko
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